NYC Congestion Pricing Benefits on Hold

Hochul's Pause Creates Uncertain Future

A Major Setback for New York

New York City’s streets are gridlocked, polluting our air and straining our aging transit system. Yet, there is hope: NYC Congestion Pricing stands to benefit everyone by reducing traffic, cutting pollution, and speeding up commutes.

This transformative solution is now in jeopardy due to Governor Kathy Hochul’s last-minute pause on congestion pricing, threatening to create a $15 billion deficit in the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (MTA) budget. Essential transit projects are at risk, delaying progress toward a cleaner, less congested city.

We cannot let political hesitation derail our progress.

The Stakes Are High

Governor Hochul’s pause on congestion pricing has far-reaching implications:

  • The anticipated $15 billion shortfall in the MTA’s budget endangers crucial upgrades and maintenance, leading to potential service cuts and fare hikes.
  • Increased traffic congestion results in higher emissions, exacerbating air pollution and public health issues.
  • Delayed transit projects hinder economic growth, affecting businesses and commuters alike.

How To Help

Tri-State Transportation Campaign is dedicated to bringing congestion pricing to New York City, but we need your support. Here’s what you can do:

Contact Elected Officials:

  • Fill out the form with your name, address, and phone number.
  • Receive a script to guide your call to your NYS Assembly representative.
  • Click “Call Now” to automatically connect with your representative and voice your support.

Support Our Campaign:

  • Donations help us expand our advocacy efforts.

Our analysis of U.S. Census data shows that less than 2% of commuters in the region’s legislative districts will be affected by the fee, dispelling myths of widespread burden and underscoring the NYC congestion pricing benefits for a sustainable and equitable future.

The future of New York City’s transportation system—and its environmental and economic health—depends on our collective action. Together, we can ensure New York’s future is brighter, cleaner, and less congested.

Your voice matters—make it heard today!

Tell Governor Hochul:
Unpause Congestion Pricing!